
2021/08/16 Python 共 18046 字,约 52 分钟


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  • Numpy 高效的运算工具
  • Numpy的优势
  • ndarray属性
  • 基本操作
    • ndarray.方法()
    • numpy.函数名()
  • ndarray运算
    • 逻辑运算
    • 统计运算
    • 数组间运算
  • 合并、分割、IO操作、数据处理

    1. Numpy优势

    1.1 Numpy介绍 - 数值计算库

    • num - numerical 数值化的
    • py - python
    • ndarray
      • n - 任意个
      • d - dimension 维度
      • array - 数组

        1.2 ndarray介绍

import numpy as np
score = np.array([[80, 89, 86, 67, 79],
[78, 97, 89, 67, 81],
[90, 94, 78, 67, 74],
[91, 91, 90, 67, 69],
[76, 87, 75, 67, 86],
[70, 79, 84, 67, 84],
[94, 92, 93, 67, 64],
[86, 85, 83, 67, 80]])

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1.3 ndarray与Python原生list运算效率对比

import random
import time
# 生成一个大数组
python_list = []

for i in range(100000000):
ndarray_list = np.array(python_list)

# 原生pythonlist求和
t1 = time.time()
a = sum(python_list)
t2 = time.time()
d1 = t2 - t1

# ndarray求和
t3 = time.time()
b = np.sum(ndarray_list)
t4 = time.time()
d2 = t4 - t3

d1= 0.7309620380401611 d2= 0.12980318069458008

1.4 ndarray的优势

  1. 存储风格 ndarray - 相同类型 - 通用性不强 list - 不同类型 - 通用性很强
  2. 并行化运算 ndarray支持向量化运算
  3. 底层语言 C语言,解除了GIL Alt Text

2. 认识N维数组-ndarray属性

2.1 ndarray的属性

  • shape
    • ndim :看看维度
    • size :看看大小
  • dtype
    • itemsize :一个元素所占大小
  • 在创建ndarray的时候,如果没有指定类型
  • 默认
    • 整数 int64
    • 浮点数 float64 ```python array([[80, 89, 86, 67, 79], [78, 97, 89, 67, 81], [90, 94, 78, 67, 74], [91, 91, 90, 67, 69], [76, 87, 75, 67, 86], [70, 79, 84, 67, 84], [94, 92, 93, 67, 64], [86, 85, 83, 67, 80]])

score.shape # (8, 5) score.ndim # 2 score.size # 40 score.dtype # dtype(‘int64’) score.itemsize # 8

### 2.2 ndarray的形状

a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
b = np.array([1,2,3,4])
c = np.array([[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]])

a # array([[1, 2, 3],
b # array([1, 2, 3, 4])
c # array([[[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]],[[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]])
a.shape # (2, 3)
b.shape # (4,)
c.shape # (2, 2, 3)

2.3 ndarray的类型

<type 'numpy.dtype'>

# 指定类型
# 创建数组的时候指定类型
np.array([1.1, 2.2, 3.3], dtype="float32")

dtype是numpy是numpy.dtype类型,先看看对数组来说都有哪些类型 |名称| 描述 |简写| |–|–|–| | np.bool | 用一个字节存储的布尔类型(True或False) | ‘b’ | | np.int8 | 一个字节大小,-128~127 | ‘i’ | | np.int16 | 整数,-32768至32767 | ‘i2’ | | np.int32 | 整数,-231至232 -1 | ‘i4’ | | np.int64 | 整数,-263至263 -1 | ‘i8’ | | np.uint8 | 无符号整数,0~255 | ‘u’ | | np.uint16 | 无符号整数,0~65535 | ‘u2’ | | np.uint32 | 无符号整数,0~2 ** 32 -1 | ‘u4’ | | np.uint64 | 无符号整数,0~2 ** 64 -1 | ‘u8’ | | np.float16 | 半精度浮点数:16位, 正负号1位, 指数5位, 精度10位 | ‘f2’ | | np.float32 | 单精度浮点数:32位, 正负号1位, 指数8位, 精度23位 | ‘f4’ | | np.float64 | 双度浮点数:64位, 正负号1位, 指数11位, 精度52位 | ‘f8’ | | np.complex64 | 复数,分别用两个32位浮点数表示实部和虚部 | ‘c8’ | | np.complex128 | 复数,分别用两个64位浮点数表示实部和虚部 | ‘c16’ | | np.object_ | python对象 | ‘O’ | | np.string | 字符串 | ‘S’ | | np.unicode | unicode类型 | ‘U’ |

3. 基本操作

  • adarray.方法()
  • np.函数名()
    • np.array()

      3.1 生成数组的方法

      3.1.1 生成0和1

  • np.zeros(shape)
  • np.ones(shape)
# 1 生成0和1的数组
np.zeros(shape=(3, 4), dtype="float32")
array([[0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)
np.ones(shape=[2, 3], dtype=np.int32)
array([[1, 1, 1],
       [1, 1, 1]], dtype=int32)

3.1.2 从现有数组中生成

  • np.array() np.copy() 深拷贝
  • np.asarray() 浅拷贝
data1 = np.array(score)
data2 = np.asarray(score)
data3 = np.copy(score)
score[3, 1] = 10000


3.1.3 生成固定范围的数组

  • np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
    • [0, 10] 等距离 生成个数
  • np.arange(a, b, c)
    • range(a, b, c)
      • [a, b) c是步长
        np.linspace(0, 10, 5)
        # array([ 0. ,  2.5,  5. ,  7.5, 10. ])
        np.arange(0, 11, 5)
        # array([ 0,  5, 10])

3.1.4 生成随机数组

分布状况 - 直方图

  1. 均匀分布 每组的可能性相等
  2. 正态分布 σ 幅度、波动程度、集中程度、稳定性、离散程度
  • 均匀分布uniform
    • low:float类型,此概率的均值(对应着整个分布的中心centre)
    • scale:float类型,此概率分布的标准差(对应于分布的宽度,scale越大越矮胖,越小越瘦高)
    • size:int or tuple of ints 输出的shape,默认位None,只输出一个值 ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np data1 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=1000000) array([-0.49795073, -0.28524454, 0.56473937, …, 0.6141957 , 0.4149972 , 0.89473129])


      plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8), dpi=80)


plt.hist(data1, 1000)


![Alt Text](/images/posts/10b0a51fcf454dfaaf73e06ebd2304f6.png)
- 正态分布`normal`
	- `low`:此概率的均值(对应着整个分布的中心centre)
	- `scale`:float此概率分布的标准差(对应于分布的宽度,scale越大越矮胖,越小越瘦高)
	- `size`:int or tuple of ints 输出的shape,默认位None,只输出一个值
# 正态分布
data2 = np.random.normal(loc=1.75, scale=0.1, size=1000000)
# 1、创建画布
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8), dpi=80)

# 2、绘制直方图
plt.hist(data2, 1000)

# 3、显示图像

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3.2 数组的索引、切片

stock_change = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(8, 10))
# 返回结果
array([[-0.03469926,  1.68760014,  0.05915316,  2.4473136 , -0.61776756, -0.56253866, -1.24738637,  0.48320978,  1.01227938, -1.44509723],[-1.8391253 , -1.10142576,  0.09582268,  1.01589092, -1.20262068, 0.76134643, -0.76782097, -1.11192773,  0.81609586,  0.07659056],[-0.74293074, -0.7836588 ,  1.32639574, -0.52735663,  1.4167841 , 2.10286726, -0.21687665, -0.33073563, -0.46648617,  0.07926839],[ 0.45914676, -0.78330377, -1.10763289,  0.10612596, -0.63375855,-1.88121415,  0.6523779 , -1.27459184, -0.1828502 , -0.76587891],[-0.50413407, -1.35848099, -2.21633535, -1.39300681,  0.13159471, 0.65429138,  0.32207255,  1.41792558,  1.12357799, -0.68599018],[ 0.3627785 ,  1.00279706, -0.68137875, -2.14800075, -2.82895231,-1.69360338,  1.43816168, -2.02116677,  1.30746801,  1.41979011],[-2.93762047,  0.22199761,  0.98788788,  0.37899235,  0.28281886,-1.75837237, -0.09262863, -0.92354076,  1.11467277,  0.76034531],[-0.39473551,  0.28402164, -0.15729195, -0.59342945, -1.0311294 ,-1.07651428,  0.18618331,  1.5780439 ,  1.31285558,  0.10777784]])

# 获取第一个股票的前3个交易日的涨跌幅数据
stock_change[0, :3]
# 返回结果
array([-0.03469926,  1.68760014,  0.05915316])


# 三维,一维
a1 = np.array([ [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], [[12,3,34],[5,6,7]]])
# 返回结果
array([[[ 1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6]],

       [[12,  3, 34],
        [ 5,  6,  7]]])
# 索引、切片
a1.shape # (2, 2, 3)
a1[1, 0, 2] # 34

# 修改
a1[1, 0, 2] = 100000
# 返回结果
array([[[     1,      2,      3],
        [     4,      5,      6]],

       [[    12,      3, 100000],
        [     5,      6,      7]]])

3.3 形状修改

  • ndarray.reshape(shape) 返回新的ndarray,原始数据没有改变
  • ndarray.resize(shape) 没有返回值,对原始的ndarray进行了修改
  • ndarray.T 转置 行变成列,列变成行

  • ndarray.reshape(shape)返回新的ndarray,原始数据没有改变 ```python




    array( [[-0.03469926, 1.68760014, 0.05915316, 2.4473136 , -0.61776756, -0.56253866, -1.24738637, 0.48320978, 1.01227938, -1.44509723], [-1.8391253 , -1.10142576, 0.09582268, 1.01589092, -1.20262068, 0.76134643, -0.76782097, -1.11192773, 0.81609586, 0.07659056], [-0.74293074, -0.7836588 , 1.32639574, -0.52735663, 1.4167841 , 2.10286726, -0.21687665, -0.33073563, -0.46648617, 0.07926839], [ 0.45914676, -0.78330377, -1.10763289, 0.10612596, -0.63375855, -1.88121415, 0.6523779 , -1.27459184, -0.1828502 , -0.76587891], [-0.50413407, -1.35848099, -2.21633535, -1.39300681, 0.13159471, 0.65429138, 0.32207255, 1.41792558, 1.12357799, -0.68599018], [ 0.3627785 , 1.00279706, -0.68137875, -2.14800075, -2.82895231, -1.69360338, 1.43816168, -2.02116677, 1.30746801, 1.41979011], [-2.93762047, 0.22199761, 0.98788788, 0.37899235, 0.28281886, -1.75837237, -0.09262863, -0.92354076, 1.11467277, 0.76034531], [-0.39473551, 0.28402164, -0.15729195, -0.59342945, -1.0311294 , -1.07651428, 0.18618331, 1.5780439 , 1.31285558, 0.10777784]])

stock_change.reshape((10, 8))


array( [[-0.03469926, 1.68760014, 0.05915316, 2.4473136 , -0.61776756, -0.56253866, -1.24738637, 0.48320978], [ 1.01227938, -1.44509723, -1.8391253 , -1.10142576, 0.09582268, 1.01589092, -1.20262068, 0.76134643], [-0.76782097, -1.11192773, 0.81609586, 0.07659056, -0.74293074, -0.7836588 , 1.32639574, -0.52735663], [ 1.4167841 , 2.10286726, -0.21687665, -0.33073563, -0.46648617, 0.07926839, 0.45914676, -0.78330377], [-1.10763289, 0.10612596, -0.63375855, -1.88121415, 0.6523779 , -1.27459184, -0.1828502 , -0.76587891], [-0.50413407, -1.35848099, -2.21633535, -1.39300681, 0.13159471, 0.65429138, 0.32207255, 1.41792558], [ 1.12357799, -0.68599018, 0.3627785 , 1.00279706, -0.68137875, -2.14800075, -2.82895231, -1.69360338], [ 1.43816168, -2.02116677, 1.30746801, 1.41979011, -2.93762047, 0.22199761, 0.98788788, 0.37899235], [ 0.28281886, -1.75837237, -0.09262863, -0.92354076, 1.11467277, 0.76034531, -0.39473551, 0.28402164], [-0.15729195, -0.59342945, -1.0311294 , -1.07651428, 0.18618331, 1.5780439 , 1.31285558, 0.10777784]])

- `ndarray.resize(shape)`没有返回值,对原始的ndarray进行了修改
stock_change.shape # (8, 10)
stock_change.resize((10, 8))
stock_change.shape # (10, 8)
  • ndarray.T转置 行变成列,列变成行

3.4 类型修改

  • ndarray.astype(type)
  • ndarray序列化到本地
  • ndarray.tostring()
# 返回结果
array([[ 0,  1,  0,  2,  0,  0, -1,  0,  1, -1],
       [-1, -1,  0,  1, -1,  0,  0, -1,  0,  0],
       [ 0,  0,  1,  0,  1,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0],
       [ 0,  0, -1,  0,  0, -1,  0, -1,  0,  0],
       [ 0, -1, -2, -1,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  0],
       [ 0,  1,  0, -2, -2, -1,  1, -2,  1,  1],
       [-2,  0,  0,  0,  0, -1,  0,  0,  1,  0],
       [ 0,  0,  0,  0, -1, -1,  0,  1,  1,  0]], dtype=int32)

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3.5 数组的去重

  • set():只能处理一维
  • np.unique()
temp = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],[3, 4, 5, 6]])
# 返回结果
array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
       [3, 4, 5, 6]])
# 返回结果
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

set(temp.flatten()) # 将多维降维成一维,然后用set去重 只能处理一维
# 返回结果
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

4. ndarray运算

4.1 逻辑运算

  • 布尔索引
  • 通用判断函数
    • np.all(布尔值)
      • 只要有一个False就返回False,只有全是True才返回True
    • np.any()
      • 只要有一个True就返回True,只有全是False才返回False
  • np.where(三元运算符)
    • np.where(布尔值, True的位置的值, False的位置的值)
stock_change = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(8, 10))
# 返回结果
array([[ 1.46338968, -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916,  0.46446682,0.83167611, -1.35770374, -0.65001192,  1.38319911, -0.93415832],[ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.19314047,  1.34072589,0.09361683,  1.19030379,  1.4371421 , -0.97829363, -0.11962767],[-1.48252741, -0.69347186,  0.91122464, -0.30606473,  0.41598897,0.79542753, -0.01447862, -1.49943117, -0.23285809,  0.42806777],[ 0.39438905, -1.31770556,  1.7344868 , -1.52812773, -0.47703227,-0.3795497 , -0.88422651,  1.37510973, -0.93622775,  0.49257673],[-0.9822216 , -1.09482936, -0.81834523,  0.57335311,  0.97390091,0.05314952, -0.58316743,  0.19264426,  0.02081861,  0.84445247],[ 0.41739964, -0.26826893, -0.70003442, -0.58593912,  0.86546709,-1.30304864,  0.05254567, -1.73976785, -0.43532247,  0.4760526 ],[-0.21739882,  0.52007085, -0.60160491,  0.57108639,  1.03303301,-0.69172579,  1.04716985, -0.22985706, -0.11125069,  0.87722923],[-0.183266  ,  0.56273065,  0.29357786, -0.19343363, -1.54547303,-0.31977163, -0.00659025,  0.48160678,  0.88443604, -0.48456825]])
# 逻辑判断, 如果涨跌幅大于0.5就标记为True 否则为False
stock_change > 0.5
# 返回结果
array([[ True, False, False, False, False,  True, False, False,  True,False],[False, False, False,  True,  True, False,  True,  True, False,False],[False, False,  True, False, False,  True, False, False, False,False],[False, False,  True, False, False, False, False,  True, False,False],[False, False, False,  True,  True, False, False, False, False,True],[False, False, False, False,  True, False, False, False, False,False],[False,  True, False,  True,  True, False,  True, False, False,True],[False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False,  True,False]])
stock_change[stock_change > 0.5] = 1.1
# 返回结果
array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916,  0.46446682,1.1       , -1.35770374, -0.65001192,  1.1       , -0.93415832],[ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.1       ,  1.1       ,0.09361683,  1.1       ,  1.1       , -0.97829363, -0.11962767],[-1.48252741, -0.69347186,  1.1       , -0.30606473,  0.41598897,1.1       , -0.01447862, -1.49943117, -0.23285809,  0.42806777],[ 0.39438905, -1.31770556,  1.1       , -1.52812773, -0.47703227,-0.3795497 , -0.88422651,  1.1       , -0.93622775,  0.49257673],[-0.9822216 , -1.09482936, -0.81834523,  1.1       ,  1.1       ,0.05314952, -0.58316743,  0.19264426,  0.02081861,  1.1       ],[ 0.41739964, -0.26826893, -0.70003442, -0.58593912,  1.1       ,-1.30304864,  0.05254567, -1.73976785, -0.43532247,  0.4760526 ],[-0.21739882,  1.1       , -0.60160491,  1.1       ,  1.1       ,-0.69172579,  1.1       , -0.22985706, -0.11125069,  1.1       ],[-0.183266  ,  1.1       ,  0.29357786, -0.19343363, -1.54547303,-0.31977163, -0.00659025,  0.48160678,  1.1       , -0.48456825]])

# 判断stock_change[0:2, 0:5]是否全是上涨的
stock_change[0:2, 0:5] > 0
# 返回结果
array([[ True, False,  True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True]])
np.all(stock_change[0:2, 0:5] > 0)
# 返回结果
# 判断前5只股票这段期间是否有上涨的
np.any(stock_change[:5, :] > 0)
# 返回结果
# 判断前四个股票前四天的涨跌幅 大于0的置为1,否则为0
temp = stock_change[:4, :4]
# 返回结果
array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916],
       [ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.1       ],
       [-1.48252741, -0.69347186,  1.1       , -0.30606473],
       [ 0.39438905, -1.31770556,  1.1       , -1.52812773]])
np.where(temp > 0, 1, 0)
# 返回结果
array([[1, 0, 1, 1],
       [1, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 0, 1, 0],
       [1, 0, 1, 0]])
temp > 0
# 返回结果
array([[ True, False,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True,  True],
       [False, False,  True, False],
       [ True, False,  True, False]])
np.where([[ True, False,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True,  True],
       [False, False,  True, False],
       [ True, False,  True, False]], 1, 0)
# 返回结果
array([[1, 0, 1, 1],
       [1, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 0, 1, 0],
       [1, 0, 1, 0]])
# 判断前四个股票前四天的涨跌幅 大于0.5并且小于1的,换为1,否则为0
# 判断前四个股票前四天的涨跌幅 大于0.5或者小于-0.5的,换为1,否则为0
# (temp > 0.5) and (temp < 1)
np.logical_and(temp > 0.5, temp < 1)
# 返回结果
array([[False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False]])
np.where([[False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False, False]], 1, 0)
# 返回结果
array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0]])
np.where(np.logical_and(temp > 0.5, temp < 1), 1, 0)
# 返回结果
array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0]])
np.logical_or(temp > 0.5, temp < -0.5)
# 返回结果
array([[ True, False, False, False],
       [False, False, False,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True, False],
       [False,  True,  True,  True]])
np.where(np.logical_or(temp > 0.5, temp < -0.5), 11, 3)
# 返回结果
array([[11,  3,  3,  3],
       [ 3,  3,  3, 11],
       [11, 11, 11,  3],
       [ 3, 11, 11, 11]])

4.2 统计运算

axis轴的取值并不一定,Numpy中不同的API轴的值不一样, 在这里,axis 0代表行,1代表列

  • 统计指标函数
    • min, max, mean, median, var, std
    • np.函数名
    • ndarray.方法名
  • 返回最大值、最小值所在位置
    • np.argmax(temp, axis=)
    • np.argmin(temp, axis=)
# 前四只股票前四天的最大涨幅
temp # shape: (4, 4) 0  1
# 返回结果
array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916],
       [ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.1       ],
       [-1.48252741, -0.69347186,  1.1       , -0.30606473],
       [ 0.39438905, -1.31770556,  1.1       , -1.52812773]])
temp.max(axis=0)# 按列求最大值
# 返回结果
array([1.1       , 0.24078108, 1.1       , 1.1       ])
np.max(temp, axis=-1)
# 返回结果
array([1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1])
np.argmax(temp, axis=-1)
# 返回结果
array([0, 3, 2, 2])

5. 数组间运算

5.1 场景

Alt Text

5.2 数组与数的运算

  • +-*/
    arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4], [5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1]])
    arr / 10
    # 返回结果
    array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4],
         [0.5, 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1]])

    5.3 数组与数组的运算

arr1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4], [5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1]])
arr2 = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5, 6]])

array([[1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 4],
       [5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1]])

5.4 广播机制


  • 维度相等
  • shape(其中相对应的一个地方为1) 广播的原则:如果两个数组的后缘维度(trailing dimension,即从末尾开始算起的维度)的轴长度相符,或其中的一方的长度为1,则认为它们是广播兼容的。广播会在缺失和(或)长度为1的维度上进行。

    5.5 矩阵运算

    1 什么是矩阵 矩阵matrix 二维数组 矩阵 & 二维数组 两种方法存储矩阵 1)ndarray 二维数组 矩阵乘法: np.matmul 2)matrix数据结构 2 矩阵乘法运算 形状 (m, n) * (n, l) = (m, l) 运算规则 A (2, 3) B(3, 2) A * B = (2, 2)

# ndarray存储矩阵
data = np.array([[80, 86],
[82, 80],
[85, 78],
[90, 90],
[86, 82],
[82, 90],
[78, 80],
[92, 94]])
# matrix存储矩阵
data_mat = np.mat([[80, 86],
[82, 80],
[85, 78],
[90, 90],
[86, 82],
[82, 90],
[78, 80],
[92, 94]])
data # (8, 2) * (2, 1) = (8, 1)
np.matmul(data, weights)
       [90. ],
       [93.4]]), weights)       
       [90. ],
data_mat * weights_mat
        [90. ],
data @ weights
       [90. ],

6. 合并、分割

6.1 合并

  • numpy.hstack(tup) Alt Text
  • numpy.vstack(tup) Alt Text
  • numpy.concatenate((a1, a2 , ...), axis=0) Alt Text
a = stock_change[:2, 0:4]
b = stock_change[4:6, 0:4]

array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916],
       [ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.1       ]])
a.shape # (2, 4)

a.reshape((-1, 2))
array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704],
       [ 0.29667843,  0.16606916],
       [ 0.36775845,  0.24078108],
       [ 0.122042  ,  1.1       ]])

array([[-0.9822216 , -1.09482936, -0.81834523,  1.1       ],
       [ 0.41739964, -0.26826893, -0.70003442, -0.58593912]])

np.hstack((a, b))
array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916, -0.9822216 ,
        -1.09482936, -0.81834523,  1.1       ],
       [ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.1       ,  0.41739964,
        -0.26826893, -0.70003442, -0.58593912]])

np.concatenate((a, b), axis=1)
array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916, -0.9822216 ,
        -1.09482936, -0.81834523,  1.1       ],
       [ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.1       ,  0.41739964,
        -0.26826893, -0.70003442, -0.58593912]])

np.vstack((a, b))
array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916],
       [ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.1       ],
       [-0.9822216 , -1.09482936, -0.81834523,  1.1       ],
       [ 0.41739964, -0.26826893, -0.70003442, -0.58593912]])

np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0)
array([[ 1.1       , -0.45576704,  0.29667843,  0.16606916],
       [ 0.36775845,  0.24078108,  0.122042  ,  1.1       ],
       [-0.9822216 , -1.09482936, -0.81834523,  1.1       ],
       [ 0.41739964, -0.26826893, -0.70003442, -0.58593912]])

6.2 分割

7. IO操作与数据处理

7.1 Numpy读取

data = np.genfromtxt("test.csv", delimiter=",")

array([[  nan,   nan,   nan,   nan],
       [  1. , 123. ,   1.4,  23. ],
       [  2. , 110. ,   nan,  18. ],
def fill_nan_by_column_mean(t):
    for i in range(t.shape[1]):
        # 计算nan的个数
        nan_num = np.count_nonzero(t[:, i][t[:, i] != t[:, i]])
        if nan_num > 0:
            now_col = t[:, i]
            # 求和
            now_col_not_nan = now_col[np.isnan(now_col) == False].sum()
            # 和/个数
            now_col_mean = now_col_not_nan / (t.shape[0] - nan_num)
            # 赋值给now_col
            now_col[np.isnan(now_col)] = now_col_mean
            # 赋值给t,即更新t的当前列
            t[:, i] = now_col
    return t

7.2 如何处理缺失值


  • 直接删除含有缺失值的样本
  • 替换/插补
    • 按列求平均,用平均值进行填补



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